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speakerPassetthe passport

speakerVikramVikram ogand hanshis konewife, PritiPriti, erare at flyplassenthe airport.
headspeakerÅhoh, neino! Hvorwhere eris passet mittmy passport?
headspeakerDetit eris ikkenot herhere!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerDetit eris ikkenot i vesken minin my bag
headspeakerOgand detit eris ikkenot iin jakkenmy minjacket.
headspeakerDetit liggeris lying iin taxienthe taxi!
Vikram thinks his passport is in the taxi.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
speakerVikramVikram løper forruns to å se(to) look for etter taxien sinhis taxi
headspeakerVikVik, neino!
Tap what you hear
speakerPritiPriti løper etterruns after VikramVikram.
headspeakerÅhoh, neino! Taxienthe ertaxi ikkeis not herhere!
headspeakerDet er ikkeit's not muligpossible
headspeakerPasset dittyour passport eris ikkenot iin taxienthe taxi.
headspeakerPassetthe passport eris iin hånden dinyour hand.
Choose the option that means "hand."
er din.
headspeakerTakkthank you, kjæ
Where was Vikram's passport?
  • in the taxi
  • at his house
  • in his hand
Tap the pairs